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Magnetic domain

Stan Zurek, Magnetic domain, Encyclopedia Magnetica,

Magnetic domain - a region in a ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic material, in which strong interatomic interactions cause for the magnetic moments to align over large macroscopic volumes. Magnetic domains are separated by domain walls.

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Magnetic domains in a single grain (outlined with a black line) of non-oriented electrical steel. The photo shows an area 0.1 mm wide, and the arrows show orientation of the domains. The domains are separated by domain walls.
Magnetic domain structure (lancet combs switching during magnetisation) in high-permeability grain-oriented electrical steel. Bar domains are visible in the upper part. Copyright © Oles Hostanar
Magnetisation process involves changes in the configuration of magnetic domains
Magnetisation process involves changes in the configuration of domains
Movements of domain walls in non-oriented electrical steel

See also


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magnetic_domain.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/05 14:10 by stan_zurek

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