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Helical winding
Stan Zurek, Helical winding, Encyclopedia Magnetica, http://www.e-magnetica.pl/doku.php/helical_winding |
Helical winding - a type of winding in which the wire is wound helically around a former of any shape. It is one of the simplest ways in which a coil can be wound.
The helical shape results simply from the way the winding is made. The former is rotated as the wire is wound onto it, and the minimum value of the pitch of the helix is dictated by the wire diameter (including the thickness of insulation, such as enamel).1)
A value of pitch greater than the wire diameter can be controlled by the winding process (winding machine).
A solenoid is made with a helical winding.
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See also
helical_winding.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/04 14:57 by stan_zurek